Reactive Scala Driver for MongoDB

Asynchronous & Non-Blocking

This Play JSON library provides a JSON serialization pack for ReactiveMongo, based on Play Framework JSON library.


You can setup this serialization pack by adding the following dependency in your project/Build.scala (or build.sbt).

libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
  "org.reactivemongo" %% "reactivemongo-play-json" % "0.11.14"

Maven Central

If the dependency for the Play plugin (with the right version) is present, it already provides the JSON support and this JSON serialization pack must not be added as a separate dependency.

Then, the following code enables this JSON serialization pack.


Documents and values

There is one Play JSON class for most of the BSON types, all in the play.api.libs.json package:

All these JSON types extend JsValue, thus any JSON value can be converted to appropriate BSON value:

BSONDocument JsObject
BSONArray JsArray
BSONBinary JsObject with a $binary JsString field containing the value in hexadecimal representation
BSONBoolean JsBoolean
BSONDBPointer No JSON type
BSONDateTime JsObject with a $date JsNumber field with the timestamp (milliseconds) as value
BSONDouble JsNumber
BSONInteger JsNumber
BSONJavaScript JsObject with a $javascript JsString value representing the JavaScript code
BSONLong JsNumber
BSONMaxKey No JSON type
BSONMinKey No JSON type
BSONNull No JSON type
BSONObjectID JsObject with a $oid JsString field with the stringified ID as value
BSONRegex JsObject with a $regex JsString field with the regular expression, and optionally an $options JsString field with the regex flags (e.g. "i" for case insensitive)
BSONString JsString
BSONSymbol JsObject with a $symbol JsString field with the symbol name as value
BSONTimestamp JsObject with a $time and a $i JsNumber fields
BSONUndefined No JSON type

Furthermore, the whole library is articulated around the concept of Writes and Reads. These are type classes which purpose is to serialize/deserialize objects of arbitrary types into/from JSON.

Consequently, any type that can be serialized as JSON can be also be serialized as BSON.

A document is represented by JsObject, which is basically an immutable list of key-value pairs. Since it is the most used JSON type, one of the main focuses of the ReactiveMongo Play JSON library is to manage such JsObjects as easy as possible. The encode of such JSON object needs an instance of the typeclass OWrites.

This library provides a specialized collection called that deals naturally with JsValue and JsObject. Thanks to it, you can now fetch documents from MongoDB in the JSON format, transform them by removing and/or adding some properties, and send them to the client.

Even better, when a client sends a JSON document, you can validate it and transform it before saving it into a MongoDB collection (coast-to-coast approach).

JSON cursors

The support of Play JSON for ReactiveMongo provides some extensions of the result cursors, as .jsArray() to read underlying data as a JSON array.

import play.api.libs.json._
import play.api.libs.concurrent.Execution.Implicits.defaultContext

  JSONCollection, JsCursor
}, JsCursor._

def jsonCollection: JSONCollection = ???

type ResultType = JsObject // any type which is provided a `Writes[T]`


Run a raw command

The command API can be used with the JSON serialization to execution a JSON object as a raw command.

import scala.concurrent.{ ExecutionContext, Future }

import play.api.libs.json.{ JsObject, Json }

import reactivemongo.api.commands.Command

def rawResult(db: reactivemongo.api.DefaultDB)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[JsObject] = {
  val commandDoc = Json.obj(
    "aggregate" -> "orders", // we aggregate on collection `orders`
    "pipeline" -> List(
      Json.obj("$match" -> Json.obj("status" -> "A")),
        "$group" -> Json.obj(
          "_id" -> "$cust_id",
          "total" -> Json.obj("$sum" -> "$amount"))),
      Json.obj("$sort" -> Json.obj("total" -> -1))
  val runner =

  runner.apply(db, runner.rawCommand(commandDoc)).one[JsObject]

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