Collects all the documents into a collection of type M[T]
Collects all the documents into a collection of type M[T]
the maximum number of documents to be retrieved (-1 for unlimited).
The binary operator to be applied when failing to get the next response. Exception or Fail raised within the suc
function cannot be recovered by this error handler.
val cursor = collection.find(query, filter).cursor[BSONDocument] // return the 3 first documents in a Vector[BSONDocument]. val vector = cursor.collect[Vector](3, Cursor.FailOnError())
Applies a binary operator to a start value and all bulks of documents retrieved by this cursor, going first to last.
Applies a binary operator to a start value and all bulks of documents retrieved by this cursor, going first to last.
the result type of the binary operator
the initial value
the maximum number of documents to be retrieved (-1 for unlimited). The actual document count can exceed this, when this maximum devided by the batch size given a non-zero remainder.
The binary operator to be applied when the next response is successfully read.
The binary operator to be applied when failing to get the next response. Exception or Fail raised within the suc
function cannot be recovered by this error handler.
Applies a binary operator to a start value and all bulks of documents retrieved by this cursor, going first to last.
Applies a binary operator to a start value and all bulks of documents retrieved by this cursor, going first to last.
the result type of the binary operator
the initial value
the maximum number of documents to be retrieved (-1 for unlimited). The actual document count can exceed this, when this maximum devided by the batch size given a non-zero remainder.
The binary operator to be applied when the next response is successfully read. This must be safe, and any error must be returned as Future.failed[State[A]]
The binary operator to be applied when failing to get the next response. Exception or Fail raised within the suc
function cannot be recovered by this error handler.
Applies a binary operator to a start value and all responses handled by this cursor, going first to last.
Applies a binary operator to a start value and all responses handled by this cursor, going first to last.
the result type of the binary operator
the initial value
the maximum number of documents to be retrieved (-1 for unlimited). The actual document count can exceed this, when this maximum devided by the batch size given a non-zero remainder.
The binary operator to be applied when the next response is successfully read.
The binary operator to be applied when failing to get the next response. Exception or Fail raised within the suc
function cannot be recovered by this error handler.
Applies a binary operator to a start value and all responses handled by this cursor, going first to last.
Applies a binary operator to a start value and all responses handled by this cursor, going first to last.
the result type of the binary operator
the initial value
the maximum number of documents to be retrieved (-1 for unlimited). The actual document count can exceed this, when this maximum devided by the batch size given a non-zero remainder.
The binary operator to be applied when the next response is successfully read. This must be safe, and any error must be returned as Future.failed[State[A]]
The binary operator to be applied when failing to get the next response. Exception or Fail raised within the suc
function cannot be recovered by this error handler.
Applies a binary operator to a start value and all elements retrieved by this cursor, going first to last.
Applies a binary operator to a start value and all elements retrieved by this cursor, going first to last.
the result type of the binary operator
cursor.foldWhile(Nil: Seq[Person])((s, p) => Cursor.Cont(s :+ p), { (l, e) => println("last valid value: " + l); Cursor.Fail(e) })
the initial value
the maximum number of documents to be retrieved (-1 for unlimited).
The binary operator to be applied when the next document is successfully read.
The binary operator to be applied when failing to get the next response. Exception or Fail raised within the suc
function cannot be recovered by this error handler.
Applies a binary operator to a start value and all elements retrieved by this cursor, going first to last.
Applies a binary operator to a start value and all elements retrieved by this cursor, going first to last.
the result type of the binary operator
cursor.foldWhileM(Nil: Seq[Person])( (s, p) => Future.successful(Cursor.Cont(s :+ p)), { (l, e) => Future { println("last valid value: " + l) Cursor.Fail(e) })
the initial value
the maximum number of documents to be retrieved (-1 for unlimited).
The binary operator to be applied when the next document is successfully read. This must be safe, and any error must be returned as Future.failed[State[A]]
The binary operator to be applied when failing to get the next response. Exception or Fail raised within the suc
function cannot be recovered by this error handler.
Returns the first document matching the query, or fails with Cursor.NoSuchResultException if none.
Returns the first document matching the query, or fails with Cursor.NoSuchResultException if none.
val cursor = collection.find(query, filter).cursor[BSONDocument] // return option of the first element. val first: Future[BSONDocument] = cursor.head
Produces an Enumerator of documents.
Produces an Enumerator of documents.
The returned enumerator may process up to maxDocs
If stopOnError
is false, then documents that cause error are dropped,
so the enumerator may emit a little less than maxDocs
even if it processes maxDocs
the maximum number of documents to be retrieved (-1 for unlimited).
States if may stop on non-fatal exception (default: true). If set to false, the exceptions are skipped, trying to get the next result..
an play.api.libs.iteratee.Enumerator of documents
(Since version 0.11.10) Use .enumerator
from Play Iteratees module
Produces an Enumerator of Iterator of documents.
Produces an Enumerator of Iterator of documents.
Given the stopOnError
parameter, this Enumerator may stop on any non-fatal exception, or skip and continue.
the maximum number of documents to be retrieved (-1 for unlimited). The actual document count can exceed this, when this maximum devided by the batch size given a non-zero remainder.
States if may stop on non-fatal exception (default: true). If set to false, the exceptions are skipped, trying to get the next result..
an play.api.libs.iteratee.Enumerator of Iterators of documents
(Since version 0.11.10) Use .bulkEnumerator
from the Play Iteratees module
Produces an Enumerator of responses from the database.
Produces an Enumerator of responses from the database.
Given the stopOnError
parameter, this Enumerator may stop on any non-fatal exception, or skip and continue.
the maximum number of documents to be retrieved (-1 for unlimited). The actual document count can exceed this, when this maximum devided by the batch size given a non-zero remainder.
States if may stop on non-fatal exception (default: true). If set to false, the exceptions are skipped, trying to get the next result..
an play.api.libs.iteratee.Enumerator of Responses.
(Since version 0.11.10) Use .responseEnumerator
from the Play Iteratees module
Produces an Enumerator of responses from the database.
Produces an Enumerator of responses from the database. An Enumeratee for error handling should be used to prevent silent failures.
the maximum number of documents to be retrieved (-1 for unlimited)
(Since version 0.11.10) Use the Play Iteratees module
Applies a binary operator to a start value and all elements retrieved by this cursor, going first to last.
Applies a binary operator to a start value and all elements retrieved by this cursor, going first to last.
the result type of the binary operator
cursor.foldWhile(Nil: Seq[Person])((s, p) => Cursor.Cont(s :+ p), { (l, e) => println("last valid value: " + l); Cursor.Fail(e) })
the initial value
the maximum number of documents to be retrieved (-1 for unlimited).
The binary operator to be applied when the next document is successfully read.
Returns the first document matching the query, if any.
Returns the first document matching the query, if any.
val cursor = collection.find(query, filter).cursor[BSONDocument] // return option of the first element. val maybeFirst: Future[Option[BSONDocument]] = cursor.headOption
Collects all the documents into a collection of type M[T]
Collects all the documents into a collection of type M[T]
the maximum number of documents to be retrieved (-1 for unlimited).
States if may stop on non-fatal exception (default: true). If set to false, the exceptions are skipped, trying to get the next result..
val cursor = collection.find(query, filter).cursor[BSONDocument] // return the 3 first documents in a Vector[BSONDocument]. val vector = cursor.collect[Vector](3)
(Since version 0.12-RC1) Use collect
with an Cursor.ErrorHandler.
Returns the list of the matching documents.
Returns the list of the matching documents.
(Since version 0.10.0) consider using collect[List] instead
Cursor over results from MongoDB.
the type parsed from each result document