A constructor of T instances from a ChannelBuffer.
A constructor of T instances from a ChannelBuffer.
type which instances can be constructed with this.
Something that can be written into a ChannelBuffer.
A helper to build write request which result needs to be checked (by sending a reactivemongo.core.commands.GetLastError command after).
A helper to build write request which result needs to be checked (by sending a reactivemongo.core.commands.GetLastError command after).
write operation.
body of this request, a ChannelBuffer containing 0, 1, or many documents.
a reactivemongo.core.commands.GetLastError command message.
A request that needs to know the full collection name.
Delete operation.
Delete operation.
operation flags.
GetMore operation.
GetMore operation.
Allows to get more data from a cursor.
number of documents to return in the response. 0 means the server will choose.
Insert operation.
Insert operation.
Operation flags.
KillCursors operation.
KillCursors operation.
ids of the cursors to kill. Should not be empty.
Header of a Mongo Wire Protocol message.
Header of a Mongo Wire Protocol message.
length of this message.
id of this request (> 0 for request operations, else 0).
id of the request that the message including this a response to (> 0 for reply operation, else 0).
operation code of this message.
A Mongo Wire Protocol operation
Query operation.
Query operation.
the operation flags
the full name of the queried collection
the number of documents to skip in the response.
The number of documents to return in the response. 0 means the server will choose.
Reply operation.
Reply operation.
The flags of this response.
The cursor id. Strictly positive if a cursor has been created server side, 0 if none or exhausted.
The index the returned documents start from.
The number of documents that are present in this reply.
Request message.
Request message.
id of this request, so that the response may be identifiable. Should be strictly positive.
request operation.
body of this request, a ChannelBuffer containing 0, 1, or many documents.
a hint for sending this request on a particular channel.
A helper to build requests.
A helper to build requests.
write operation.
body of this request, a ChannelBuffer containing 0, 1, or many documents.
a hint for sending this request on a particular channel.
A Mongo Wire Protocol request operation.
A Mongo Wire Protocol request operation.
Actually, all operations excepted Reply are requests.
A Mongo Wire Protocol Response messages.
A Mongo Wire Protocol Response messages.
header of this response.
the reply operation contained in this response.
body of this response, a ChannelBuffer containing 0, 1, or many documents.
some meta information about this response, see reactivemongo.core.protocol.ResponseInfo.
Response meta information.
Response meta information.
the id of the channel that carried this response.
Update operation.
Update operation.
Operation flags.
A request that will perform a write on the database
(Since version 0.12.0) Will be removed
Header deserializer from a ChannelBuffer.
Query flags.