Reactive Scala Driver for MongoDB

Asynchronous & Non-Blocking

Collection API

The Collection API is designed to be very extensible, allowing the use of third-party libraries to build documents (e.g. use something else than the embedded BSON library).

BSON collection:

// using the default Collection implementation
// (relying on the embedded BSON library)

import scala.concurrent.Future

import reactivemongo.api.bson.{ BSONDocument, BSONDocumentReader, Macros }
import reactivemongo.api.bson.collection.BSONCollection

case class Person(name: String, age: Int)

object Person {
  implicit val reader: BSONDocumentReader[Person] = Macros.reader[Person]

def db1: reactivemongo.api.DB = ???

val collection1: BSONCollection = db1.collection("people")

// find people who are older than 25
val query1 =
  BSONDocument("age" -> BSONDocument("$gt" -> 25))

// run the query then convert the result to a `Person` instance
// using the implicit (BSON) reader
val result1: Future[Option[Person]] = collection1.find(query1).one[Person]

Note that the API of features dealing with documents is using pack.Document to declare the type of the documents according the serialization pack, by default BSON (so pack.Document is resolved as BSONDocument).

The Collection trait

This trait is almost empty.

package simplified.api

import reactivemongo.api.DB

// simplified for the sake of readability
trait Collection {
  /** The database which this collection belong to. */
  def db: DB

  /** The name of the collection. */
  def name: String

  /** Gets the full qualified name of this collection. */
  def fullCollectionName = + "." + name

All the collection implementations must mix this trait in. They also provide implicit objects of type CollectionProducer that make new (specialized) instances of them. Since db.collection() is parametrized with C <: Collection and accepts an implicit CollectionProducer[C], the returned instance of collection can be inferred to the right type if there is only one producer in the implicit scope, which is a typical situation.

package simplifiedapi

import reactivemongo.api.{ Collection, CollectionProducer }

trait DB {
  def collection[C <: Collection](name: String)(implicit producer: CollectionProducer[C])

Most of the implementations actually extend the trait GenericCollection.

The GenericCollection trait

This trait is much more complete than Collection. It defines common methods, like find, update, delete and insert, among others. One particularity of them is that they may be given …

Let’s take an example of how these types are used for find(), which is defined like this:

package simplifiedapi

trait GenericCollection {
  def serializationPack: reactivemongo.api.SerializationPack
  val pack = serializationPack

  def find[S](selector: S)(implicit sw: pack.Writer[S]): QueryBuilder

  sealed trait QueryBuilder { /* ... */ }

This function takes a selector (or query) of type S. This object is then transformed into BSON thanks to the implicit swriter parameter. Moreover, you can notice that the return type is another trait, GenericQueryBuilder, with the same parameter type

A GenericQueryBuilder, like its name says it, helps building and customizing the query.


The default implementation in ReactiveMongo: BSONCollection. It relies on the embedded BSON library, with BSONDocumentReader and BSONDocumentWriter as the de/serializer typeclasses.

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