Reactive Scala Driver for MongoDB
Asynchronous & Non-Blocking
Concrete example: BigDecimal
Naive implementation using doubles
import scala.util.{ Failure, Success }
import reactivemongo.api.bson.{ BSONDouble, BSONHandler, BSONValue }
// BigDecimal to BSONDouble Example
// naive implementation, does not support values > Double.MAX_VALUE
object BigDecimalBSONNaive {
implicit object BigDecimalHandler extends BSONHandler[BigDecimal] {
def readTry(v: BSONValue) = v match {
case BSONDouble(double) => Success(BigDecimal(double))
case _ => Failure(new IllegalArgumentException())
def writeTry(bd: BigDecimal) = Success(BSONDouble(bd.toDouble))
Example of Usage
import scala.util.Success
import reactivemongo.api.bson.{
BSON, BSONDocument, BSONDocumentReader, BSONDocumentWriter
case class SomeClass(bigd: BigDecimal)
implicit object SomeClassHandler extends BSONDocumentReader[SomeClass] with BSONDocumentWriter[SomeClass] {
def readDocument(doc: BSONDocument) =
def writeTry(sc: SomeClass) = Success(BSONDocument("bigd" -> sc.bigd))
// implicit val someClassHandler = Macros.handler[SomeClass]
val sc1 = SomeClass(BigDecimal(1786381))
val bsonSc1 = BSON.writeDocument(sc1)
val sc1FromBSON = bsonSc1.flatMap { b => BSON.readDocument[SomeClass](b) }
Exact BigDecimal de/serialization
import scala.util.Success
import reactivemongo.api.bson.{
BSONDocument, BSONDocumentReader, BSONDocumentWriter
object BSONBigDecimalBigInteger {
implicit object BigDecimalHandler extends BSONDocumentReader[BigDecimal] with BSONDocumentWriter[BigDecimal] {
def writeTry(bigDecimal: BigDecimal) = Success(BSONDocument(
"scale" -> bigDecimal.scale,
"precision" -> bigDecimal.precision,
"value" -> BigInt(bigDecimal.underlying.unscaledValue())))
def readDocument(doc: BSONDocument) = for {
v <- doc.getAsTry[BigInt]("value")
s <- doc.getAsTry[Int]("scale")
p <- doc.getAsTry[Int]("precision").map { new java.math.MathContext(_) }
} yield BigDecimal(v, s, p)
Example of usage
import reactivemongo.api.bson.BSON
val bigDecimal = BigDecimal(1908713, 12)
val someClassValue = SomeClass(BigDecimal(1908713, 12))
val bsonBigDecimal = BSON.writeDocument(someClassValue)
val someClassValueFromBSON =
bsonBigDecimal.flatMap { BSON.readDocument[SomeClass](_) }
import scala.util.Success
import reactivemongo.api.bson.{
BSONBinary, BSONDocument, BSONDocumentReader, BSONDocumentWriter, Subtype
implicit object BigIntHandler
extends BSONDocumentReader[BigInt] with BSONDocumentWriter[BigInt] {
def writeTry(bigInt: BigInt) = Success(BSONDocument(
"signum" -> bigInt.signum,
"value" -> BSONBinary(bigInt.toByteArray, Subtype.UserDefinedSubtype)))
def readDocument(doc: BSONDocument) = for {
sig <- doc.getAsTry[Int]("signum")
bin <- doc.getAsTry[BSONBinary]("value")
} yield BigInt(sig, bin.byteArray)