Reactive Scala Driver for MongoDB
Asynchronous & Non-Blocking
BSON extra libraries
Some extra libraries are provided along to ease the BSON integration.
A new GeoJSON library is provided, with the geometry types and the corresponding handlers to read from and write them to appropriate BSON representation.
It can be configured in the build.sbt
as below.
libraryDependencies += "org.reactivemongo" %% "reactivemongo-bson-geo" % "1.1.0-RC15"
Then the GeoJSON types can be imported and used:
import reactivemongo.api.bson._
// { type: "Point", coordinates: [ 40, 5 ] }
val geoPoint = GeoPoint(40, 5)
// { type: "LineString", coordinates: [ [ 40, 5 ], [ 41, 6 ] ] }
val geoLineString = GeoLineString(
GeoPosition(40D, 5D, None),
GeoPosition(41D, 6D))
More GeoJSON examples
GeoJSON | ReactiveMongo | Description |
Position | GeoPosition | Position coordinates |
Point | GeoPoint | Single point with single position |
LineString | GeoLineString | Simple line |
LinearRing | GeoLinearRing | Simple (closed) ring |
Polygon | GeoPolygon | Polygon with at least one ring |
MultiPoint | GeoMultiPoint | Collection of points |
MultiLineString | GeoMultiLineString | Collection of LineString |
MultiPolygon | GeoMultiPolygon | Collection of polygon |
GeometryCollection | GeoGeometryCollection | Collection of geometry objects |
See Scaladoc
The library that provides Monocle based optics, for BSON values.
It can be configured in the build.sbt
as below.
libraryDependencies += "org.reactivemongo" %% "reactivemongo-bson-monocle" % "1.1.0-RC15"
Then the utilities can be imported and used:
import reactivemongo.api.bson._
import reactivemongo.api.bson.monocle._ // new library
val barDoc = BSONDocument(
"lorem" -> 2,
"ipsum" -> BSONDocument("dolor" -> 3))
val topDoc = BSONDocument(
"foo" -> 1,
"bar" -> barDoc)
// Simple field
val lens1 = field[BSONInteger]("foo")
val updDoc1: BSONDocument = lens1.set(BSONInteger(2))(topDoc)
// --> { "foo": 1, ... }
// Nested field
val lens2 = field[BSONDocument]("bar").
val updDoc2 = lens2.set(1.23D)(topDoc)
// --> { ..., "bar": { "lorem": 1.23, ... } }
More monocle examples
See Scaladoc
The Specs2 library provides utilities to write tests using specs2 with BSON values.
It can be configured in the build.sbt
as below.
libraryDependencies += "org.reactivemongo" %% "reactivemongo-bson-specs2" % "1.1.0-RC15"
import reactivemongo.api.bson.BSONDocument
import reactivemongo.api.bson.specs2._
final class MySpec extends org.specs2.mutable.Specification {
"Foo" title
"Bar" should {
"lorem" in {
BSONDocument("ipsum" -> 1) must_=== BSONDocument("dolor" -> 2)
// Use provided Diffable to display difference
// between actual and expected documents
More specs2 examples
See Scaladoc