package bson
Linear Supertypes
- Alphabetic
- By Inheritance
- bson
- Utils
- Aliases
- DefaultBSONHandlers
- BSONIdentityHandlers
- BSONIdentityLowPriorityHandlers
- LowPriority1BSONHandlers
- LowPriority2BSONHandlers
- LowPriority3BSONHandlers
- LowPriority4BSONHandlers
- LowPriorityBSONHandlersCompat
- AnyRef
- Any
- Hide All
- Show All
- Public
- Protected
Package Members
- package collection
- package compat
Implicit conversions for handler & values types between
.Implicit conversions for handler & values types between
.import reactivemongo.api.bson.compat._
For more specific imports, see ValueConverters and HandlerConverters .
Type Members
- abstract class BSONArrayCollectionReader[M[_], T] extends BSONReader[M[T]]
- Attributes
- protected
- Definition Classes
- LowPriority1BSONHandlers
- type BSONDocumentHandler[T] = BSONDocumentReader[T] with BSONDocumentWriter[T] with BSONHandler[T]
- type BaseColl[T] = Iterable[T]
- Definition Classes
- Aliases
- type StringOps = scala.collection.StringOps
- Definition Classes
- Aliases
Value Members
- def array(values: Producer[BSONValue]*): BSONArray
- def array: BSONArray
- def bsonLocalDateHandler(zone: ZoneId): BSONHandler[LocalDate]
- Definition Classes
- DefaultBSONHandlers
- Annotations
- @inline()
- implicit val bsonLocalDateHandler: BSONHandler[LocalDate]
- Definition Classes
- DefaultBSONHandlers
- def bsonLocalDateTimeHandler(zone: ZoneId): BSONHandler[LocalDateTime]
- Definition Classes
- DefaultBSONHandlers
- Annotations
- @inline()
- implicit val bsonLocalDateTimeHandler: BSONHandler[LocalDateTime]
- Definition Classes
- DefaultBSONHandlers
- implicit def bsonMapKeyWriter[K, V <: BSONValue](implicit keyWriter: KeyWriter[K]): BSONDocumentWriter[Map[K, V]]
- Definition Classes
- LowPriority3BSONHandlers
- implicit def bsonMapWriter[V <: BSONValue]: BSONDocumentWriter[Map[String, V]]
- Definition Classes
- LowPriority1BSONHandlers
- def bsonOffsetDateTimeHandler(zone: ZoneId): BSONHandler[OffsetDateTime]
- Definition Classes
- DefaultBSONHandlers
- Annotations
- @inline()
- implicit val bsonOffsetDateTimeHandler: BSONHandler[OffsetDateTime]
- Definition Classes
- DefaultBSONHandlers
- def bsonZonedDateTimeHandler(zone: ZoneId): BSONHandler[ZonedDateTime]
- Definition Classes
- DefaultBSONHandlers
- Annotations
- @inline()
- implicit val bsonZonedDateTimeHandler: BSONHandler[ZonedDateTime]
- Definition Classes
- DefaultBSONHandlers
- implicit final def collectionReader[M[_], T](implicit f: Factory[T, M[T]], reader: BSONReader[T]): BSONReader[M[T]]
- Definition Classes
- LowPriorityBSONHandlersCompat
- implicit def collectionWriter[T, Repr](implicit arg0: (Repr) => Iterable[T], writer: BSONWriter[T], notOption: ¬[Repr, Option[T]]): BSONWriter[Repr]
- Definition Classes
- LowPriority1BSONHandlers
- def document(elements: ElementProducer*): BSONDocument
- def document: BSONDocument
- def element(name: String, value: BSONValue): BSONElement
- def generateId: BSONObjectID
- implicit def mapKeyReader[K, V](implicit keyReader: KeyReader[K], valueReader: BSONReader[V]): BSONDocumentReader[Map[K, V]]
- Definition Classes
- LowPriority2BSONHandlers
- implicit def mapKeySafeWriter[K, V](implicit keyWriter: KeyWriter[K] with SafeKeyWriter[K], valueWriter: BSONWriter[V] with SafeBSONWriter[V]): BSONDocumentWriter[Map[K, V]]
- Definition Classes
- LowPriority3BSONHandlers
- implicit def mapKeyWriter[K, V](implicit keyWriter: KeyWriter[K], valueWriter: BSONWriter[V]): BSONDocumentWriter[Map[K, V]]
- Definition Classes
- LowPriority4BSONHandlers
- implicit def mapReader[V](implicit valueReader: BSONReader[V]): BSONDocumentReader[Map[String, V]]
- Definition Classes
- LowPriority1BSONHandlers
- implicit def mapSafeWriter[V](implicit valueWriter: BSONWriter[V] with SafeBSONWriter[V]): BSONDocumentWriter[Map[String, V]]
- Definition Classes
- LowPriority1BSONHandlers
- implicit def mapWriter[V](implicit valueWriter: BSONWriter[V]): BSONDocumentWriter[Map[String, V]]
- Definition Classes
- LowPriority2BSONHandlers
- implicit def nameValueOrdering[T <: BSONValue]: Ordering[(String, T)]
- implicit object BSONArrayIdentity extends bson.DefaultBSONHandlers.IdentityBSONHandler[BSONArray]
- Definition Classes
- BSONIdentityHandlers
- implicit object BSONBinaryHandler extends BSONHandler[Array[Byte]] with SafeBSONWriter[Array[Byte]]
- Definition Classes
- DefaultBSONHandlers
- implicit object BSONBinaryIdentity extends bson.DefaultBSONHandlers.IdentityBSONHandler[BSONBinary]
- Definition Classes
- BSONIdentityHandlers
- implicit object BSONBooleanHandler extends BSONHandler[Boolean] with SafeBSONWriter[Boolean]
- Definition Classes
- DefaultBSONHandlers
- implicit object BSONBooleanIdentity extends bson.DefaultBSONHandlers.IdentityBSONHandler[BSONBoolean]
- Definition Classes
- BSONIdentityHandlers
- implicit object BSONDateTimeHandler extends BSONHandler[Instant] with SafeBSONWriter[Instant]
- Definition Classes
- DefaultBSONHandlers
- implicit object BSONDateTimeIdentity extends bson.DefaultBSONHandlers.IdentityBSONHandler[BSONDateTime]
- Definition Classes
- BSONIdentityHandlers
- implicit object BSONDecimalHandler extends BSONHandler[BigDecimal]
- Definition Classes
- DefaultBSONHandlers
- implicit object BSONDecimalIdentity extends bson.DefaultBSONHandlers.IdentityBSONHandler[BSONDecimal]
- Definition Classes
- BSONIdentityHandlers
- implicit object BSONDocumentIdentity extends BSONDocumentReader[BSONDocument] with BSONDocumentWriter[BSONDocument]
- Definition Classes
- BSONIdentityHandlers
- implicit object BSONDoubleHandler extends BSONHandler[Double] with SafeBSONWriter[Double]
- Definition Classes
- DefaultBSONHandlers
- implicit object BSONDoubleIdentity extends bson.DefaultBSONHandlers.IdentityBSONHandler[BSONDouble]
- Definition Classes
- BSONIdentityHandlers
- implicit object BSONFloatHandler extends BSONHandler[Float] with SafeBSONWriter[Float]
- Definition Classes
- DefaultBSONHandlers
- implicit object BSONIntegerHandler extends BSONHandler[Int] with SafeBSONWriter[Int]
- Definition Classes
- DefaultBSONHandlers
- implicit object BSONIntegerIdentity extends bson.DefaultBSONHandlers.IdentityBSONHandler[BSONInteger]
- Definition Classes
- BSONIdentityHandlers
- implicit object BSONJavaScriptIdentity extends bson.DefaultBSONHandlers.IdentityBSONHandler[BSONJavaScript]
- Definition Classes
- BSONIdentityHandlers
- implicit object BSONJavaScriptWSIdentity extends bson.DefaultBSONHandlers.IdentityBSONHandler[BSONJavaScriptWS]
- Definition Classes
- BSONIdentityHandlers
- implicit object BSONLongHandler extends BSONHandler[Long] with SafeBSONWriter[Long]
- Definition Classes
- DefaultBSONHandlers
- implicit object BSONLongIdentity extends bson.DefaultBSONHandlers.IdentityBSONHandler[BSONLong]
- Definition Classes
- BSONIdentityHandlers
- implicit object BSONMaxKeyIdentity extends bson.DefaultBSONHandlers.IdentityBSONHandler[BSONMaxKey]
- Definition Classes
- BSONIdentityHandlers
- implicit object BSONMinKeyIdentity extends bson.DefaultBSONHandlers.IdentityBSONHandler[BSONMinKey]
- Definition Classes
- BSONIdentityHandlers
- implicit object BSONNullIdentity extends bson.DefaultBSONHandlers.IdentityBSONHandler[BSONNull]
- Definition Classes
- BSONIdentityHandlers
- implicit object BSONObjectIDIdentity extends bson.DefaultBSONHandlers.IdentityBSONHandler[BSONObjectID]
- Definition Classes
- BSONIdentityHandlers
- implicit object BSONRegexIdentity extends bson.DefaultBSONHandlers.IdentityBSONHandler[BSONRegex]
- Definition Classes
- BSONIdentityHandlers
- implicit object BSONStringHandler extends BSONHandler[String] with SafeBSONWriter[String]
- Definition Classes
- DefaultBSONHandlers
- implicit object BSONStringIdentity extends bson.DefaultBSONHandlers.IdentityBSONHandler[BSONString]
- Definition Classes
- BSONIdentityHandlers
- implicit object BSONSymbolIdentity extends bson.DefaultBSONHandlers.IdentityBSONHandler[BSONSymbol]
- Definition Classes
- BSONIdentityHandlers
- implicit object BSONTimestampIdentity extends bson.DefaultBSONHandlers.IdentityBSONHandler[BSONTimestamp]
- Definition Classes
- BSONIdentityHandlers
- implicit object BSONURIHandler extends BSONHandler[URI] with SafeBSONWriter[URI]
- Definition Classes
- DefaultBSONHandlers
- implicit object BSONURLHandler extends BSONHandler[URL] with SafeBSONWriter[URL]
- Definition Classes
- DefaultBSONHandlers
- implicit object BSONUndefinedIdentity extends bson.DefaultBSONHandlers.IdentityBSONHandler[BSONUndefined]
- Definition Classes
- BSONIdentityHandlers
- implicit object BSONValueIdentity extends BSONReader[BSONValue] with BSONWriter[BSONValue]
- Definition Classes
- BSONIdentityLowPriorityHandlers