A command that targets the admin database only (administrative commands).
an authentication result
A command error that optionally holds the original TraversableBSONDocument
Various information about a collection.
Various information about a collection.
The fully qualified collection name.
The number of documents in this collection.
The size in bytes (or in bytes / scale, if any).
The average object size in bytes (or in bytes / scale, if any).
Preallocated space for the collection.
Number of extents (contiguously allocated chunks of datafile space).
Number of indexes.
Size of the most recently created extent.
Padding can speed up updates if documents grow.
System flags.
User flags.
Size of specific indexes in bytes.
States if this collection is capped.
The maximum number of documents of this collection, if capped.
A MongoDB Command.
A MongoDB Command.
Basically, it's as query that is performed on any db.$cmd collection and gives back one document as a result.
A generic command error.
Handler for deserializing commands results.
Handler for deserializing commands results.
The result type of this command.
Mongo CR authenticate Command.
Mongo CR authenticate Command.
user's password
the previous nonce given by the server
A default command error, which may contain the original BSONDocument of the response.
A failed authentication result
A failed authentication result
the explanation of the error.
Groups documents together to calulate aggregates on document collections.
Groups documents together to calulate aggregates on document collections. This command
aggregates on arbitrary identifiers. Document fields identifier must be prefixed with $
Any BSON value acceptable by mongodb as identifier
Sequence of operators specifying aggregate calculation.
Groups documents together to calulate aggregates on document collections.
Groups documents together to calulate aggregates on document collections. This command aggregates on one field. http://docs.mongodb.org/manual/reference/aggregation/group/#_S_group
Name of the field to aggregate on.
Sequence of operators specifying aggregate calculation.
Represents one of the group operators for the "Group" Operation.
Represents one of the group operators for the "Group" Operation. This class is sealed as these are defined in the MongoDB spec, and clients should not need to customise these.
Groups documents together to calulate aggregates on document collections.
Groups documents together to calulate aggregates on document collections. This command aggregates on multiple fields, and they must be named. http://docs.mongodb.org/manual/reference/aggregation/group/#_S_group
Fields to aggregate on, and the names they should be aggregated under.
Sequence of operators specifying aggregate calculation.
Limts the number of documents that pass through the stream.
Limts the number of documents that pass through the stream. http://docs.mongodb.org/manual/reference/aggregation/limit/#_S_limit
Number of documents to allow through.
A makable command, that can produce a request maker ready to be sent to a reactivemongo.core.actors.MongoDBSystem actor.
Filters out documents from the stream that do not match the predicate.
Filters out documents from the stream that do not match the predicate. http://docs.mongodb.org/manual/reference/aggregation/match/#_S_match
Query that documents must satisfy to be in the stream.
A modify operation, part of a FindAndModify command
One of MongoDBs pipeline operators for aggregation.
One of MongoDBs pipeline operators for aggregation. Sealed as these are defined in the mongodb spec, and clients should not have custom operators.
Reshapes a document stream by renaming, adding, or removing fields.
Reshapes a document stream by renaming, adding, or removing fields. Also use "Project" to create computed values or sub-objects. http://docs.mongodb.org/manual/reference/aggregation/project/#_S_project
Fields to include. The resulting objects will contain only these fields
the ID of the SCRAM-SHA1 conversation
Command to start with Mongo SCRAM-SHA1 authentication.
Command to start with Mongo SCRAM-SHA1 authentication.
the SCRAM-SHA1 signature for the MongoDB server
the next client request for the SCRAM-SHA1 authentication
Command to continue with Mongo SCRAM-SHA1 authentication.
Command to continue with Mongo SCRAM-SHA1 authentication.
the name of the user
the user password
the initial payload
Skips over a number of documents before passing all further documents along the stream.
Skips over a number of documents before passing all further documents along the stream. http://docs.mongodb.org/manual/reference/aggregation/skip/#_S_skip
Number of documents to skip.
Sorts the stream based on the given fields.
Sorts the stream based on the given fields. http://docs.mongodb.org/manual/reference/aggregation/sort/#_S_sort
Fields to sort by.
Represents that a field should be sorted on, as well as whether it should be ascending or descending.
A successful authentication result.
Turns a document with an array into multiple documents, one document for each element in the array.
Turns a document with an array into multiple documents, one document for each element in the array. http://docs.mongodb.org/manual/reference/aggregation/unwind/#_S_unwind
Name of the array to unwind.
A verbose successful authentication result (MongoDB >= 2.2).
A verbose successful authentication result (MongoDB >= 2.2).
Previous versions of MongoDB only return ok = BSONDouble(1.0).
database name
states if the authentication gives us only the right to read from the database.
Implements the "aggregation" command, otherwise known as the "Aggregation Framework." http://docs.mongodb.org/manual/applications/aggregation/
Implements the "aggregation" command, otherwise known as the "Aggregation Framework." http://docs.mongodb.org/manual/applications/aggregation/
Collection to aggregate against
Sequence of MongoDB aggregation operations.
(Since version 0.11.4) Use reactivemongo.api.collections.bson.BSONCollection.aggregate
(Since version 0.11.10) See CrAuthenticate
Returns a document containing various information about a collection.
Returns a document containing various information about a collection.
(Since version 0.11.0) consider using reactivemongo.api.commands.CollStats instead
Converts a regular collection into a capped one.
Converts a regular collection into a capped one.
(Since version 0.11.0) consider using reactivemongo.api.commands.ConvertToCapped instead
The Count command.
The Count command.
Returns a document containing the number of documents matching the query.
the name of the target collection
the document selector
select only the matching fields
(Since version 0.11.0) consider using reactivemongo.api.commands.Count instead
Creates a collection on the database.
Creates a collection on the database.
Unless you want to give some extra parameters (like capped collections, or autoIndexId), it is not necessary as MongoDB creates regular collections on the fly.
(Since version 0.11.0) consider using reactivemongo.api.commands.Create instead
(Since version 0.11.0) consider using reactivemongo.api.commands.DropIndexes instead
Drop a collection.
Drop a collection.
(Since version 0.11.0) consider using reactivemongo.api.commands.Drop instead
Drop a database.
Drop a database.
(Since version 0.11.0) consider using reactivemongo.api.commands.DropDatabase instead
Empty a capped collection.
Empty a capped collection.
(Since version 0.11.0) consider using reactivemongo.api.commands.EmptyCapped instead
FindAndModify command.
FindAndModify command.
This command allows to perform a modify operation (update/remove) matching a query, without the extra requests. It returns the old document by default.
the target collection name
the filter for this command
the reactivemongo.core.commands.Modify operation to do
states if a new document should be inserted if no match
the sort document
retrieve only a subset of the returned document
(Since version 0.11.0) consider using reactivemongo.api.commands.FindAndModifyCommand instead
GetLastError Command.
GetLastError Command.
This command is used to check the status of the immediately previous operation. It is commonly used to make sure that a write request has been effectively done (so it is also known as writeConcern). This command will return only when the previous operation is complete and matches its parameters (for example, with waitForReplicatedOn set to Some(2), this command will return only when at least two replicas have also run the previous operation).
Make sure that the previous operation has been committed into the journal. Journaling must be enabled on the servers.
Specify the level of replication for a write operation. Should be a BSONString or BSONInteger. See the MongoDB documentation.
Write propagation timeout (in milliseconds). See the MongoDB documentation.
Make sure that the previous (write) operation has been written on the disk.
(Since version 0.11.0) consider using reactivemongo.api.commands.GetLastError instead
Deserialized IsMaster command response.
Deserialized IsMaster command response.
states if the server is a primary
states if the server is a secondary
the maximum document size allowed by the server
the name of the replica set, if any
the names (servername:port) of the other nodes in the replica set, if any
the name (servername:port) of the answering server
(Since version 0.11.0) consider using reactivemongo.api.commands.IsMasterCommand instead
Result of the GetLastError command.
Result of the GetLastError command.
True if the last operation was successful
The err field, if any
The error code, if any
The message (often regarding an error) if any
The whole map resulting of the deserialization of the response with the DefaultBSONHandlers.
The number of documents affected by last command, 0 if none
When true, the last update operation resulted in change of existing documents
(Since version 0.11.0) consider using reactivemongo.api.commands.WriteResult instead
(Since version 0.11.0) consider using rawCommand
on reactivemongo.api.collections.GenericCollection.runner instead
Rename a collection.
Rename a collection.
(Since version 0.11.0) consider using reactivemongo.api.commands.RenameCollection instead
Update (part of a FindAndModify command).
Update (part of a FindAndModify command).
the modifier document.
the command result must be the new object instead of the old one.
(Since version 0.11.0) consider using reactivemongo.api.commands.FindAndModifyCommand instead
Authentication command's response deserializer.
Getnonce Command for Mongo CR authentication.
Getnonce Command for Mongo CR authentication.
Gets a nonce for authentication token.
Factory to declare custom call to a group function.
A silent successful authentication result (MongoDB <= 2.0).
Deserializer for the Count command.
Deserializer for the Count command. Basically returns an Int (number of counted documents)
(Since version 0.11.0) consider using reactivemongo.api.commands.Count instead
FindAndModify command deserializer
FindAndModify command deserializer
(Since version 0.11.0) consider using reactivemongo.api.commands.FindAndModifyCommand instead
(Since version 0.11.10) See GetCrNonce
IsMaster Command.
IsMaster Command.
States if the target server is a primary. This command also gives some useful information, like the other nodes in the replica set.
(Since version 0.11.0) consider using reactivemongo.api.commands.IsMasterCommand instead
Deserializer for GetLastError command result.
Deserializer for GetLastError command result.
(Since version 0.11.0) consider using reactivemongo.api.commands.LastError instead
Remove (part of a FindAndModify command).
Remove (part of a FindAndModify command).
(Since version 0.11.0) consider using reactivemongo.api.commands.FindAndModifyCommand instead
ReplSetGetStatus Command.
ReplSetGetStatus Command.
Returns the state of the Replica Set from the target server's point of view.
(Since version 0.11.5) consider using reactivemongo.api.commands.ReplSetGetStatus
ServerStatus Command.
ServerStatus Command.
Gets the detailed status of the target server.
(Since version 0.11.5) consider using reactivemongo.api.commands.ServerStatus