Reactive Scala Driver for MongoDB

Asynchronous & Non-Blocking

Get started

Here is a complete example, from connection to operations on a collection.

import scala.concurrent.{ ExecutionContext, Future }

import reactivemongo.api.{ DefaultDB, MongoConnection, MongoDriver }
import reactivemongo.bson.{
  BSONDocumentWriter, BSONDocumentReader, Macros, document

object GetStarted {
  // My settings (see available connection options)
  val mongoUri = "mongodb://localhost:27017/mydb?authMode=scram-sha1"

  import // use any appropriate context

  // Connect to the database: Must be done only once per application
  val driver = MongoDriver()
  val parsedUri = MongoConnection.parseURI(mongoUri)
  val connection =

  // Database and collections: Get references
  val futureConnection = Future.fromTry(connection)
  def db1: Future[DefaultDB] = futureConnection.flatMap(_.database("firstdb"))
  def db2: Future[DefaultDB] = futureConnection.flatMap(_.database("anotherdb"))
  def personCollection ="person"))

  // Write Documents: insert or update
  implicit def personWriter: BSONDocumentWriter[Person] = Macros.writer[Person]
  // or provide a custom one

  def createPerson(person: Person): Future[Unit] =
    personCollection.flatMap(_.insert(person).map(_ => {})) // use personWriter

  def updatePerson(person: Person): Future[Int] = {
    val selector = document(
      "firstName" -> person.firstName,
      "lastName" -> person.lastName

    // Update the matching person
    personCollection.flatMap(_.update(selector, person).map(_.n))

  implicit def personReader: BSONDocumentReader[Person] = Macros.reader[Person]
  // or provide a custom one

  def findPersonByAge(age: Int): Future[List[Person]] =
    personCollection.flatMap(_.find(document("age" -> age)). // query builder
      cursor[Person]().collect[List]()) // collect using the result cursor
      // ... deserializes the document using personReader

  // Custom persistent types
  case class Person(firstName: String, lastName: String, age: Int)

Go further:

  1. Setup
  2. Connect to the database
  3. Open database and collections
  4. Write documents (insert, update, remove)
  5. Find documents
  6. Streaming

Next: Connect to the database

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