package api
- Alphabetic
- By Inheritance
- api
- PackageCompat
- LowPriorityPackage
- AnyRef
- Any
- Hide All
- Show All
- Public
- Protected
Package Members
Type Members
- class AsyncDriver extends Driver
The asynchronous driver (see MongoConnection).
The asynchronous driver (see MongoConnection).
import scala.concurrent.Future import reactivemongo.api.{ AsyncDriver, MongoConnection } val driver = AsyncDriver() val connection: Future[MongoConnection] = driver.connect("mongodb://node:27017")
- sealed trait AuthenticationMode extends AnyRef
The mode/mechanism of authentication
- final class Collation extends AnyRef
Represents a collection, view, index or operation specific collation.
Represents a collection, view, index or operation specific collation.
import reactivemongo.api.Collation val collation = new Collation( locale = "en-US", caseLevel = None, caseFirst = None, strength = Some(Collation.PrimaryStrength), numericOrdering = None, alternate = None, maxVariable = None, backwards = None)
- trait Collection extends AnyRef
A MongoDB Collection, resolved from a reactivemongo.api.DefaultDB.
A MongoDB Collection, resolved from a reactivemongo.api.DefaultDB.
You should consider the generic API (reactivemongo.api.collections.GenericCollection).
- trait CollectionProducer[+C <: Collection] extends AnyRef
A Producer of Collection implementation.
A Producer of Collection implementation.
This is used to get an implementation implicitly when getting a reference of a Collection.
- trait Cursor[T] extends CursorCompatAPI[T]
Cursor over results from MongoDB.
Cursor over results from MongoDB.
import scala.concurrent.{ ExecutionContext, Future } import reactivemongo.api.Cursor import reactivemongo.api.bson.{ BSONDocument, Macros } import reactivemongo.api.bson.collection.BSONCollection case class User(name: String, pass: String) implicit val handler = Macros.reader[User] def findUsers(coll: BSONCollection)( implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[List[User]] = coll.find(BSONDocument("enabled" -> true)). cursor[User](). // obtain cursor for User results collect[List]( maxDocs = 10, err = Cursor.FailOnError[List[User]]())
- T
the type parsed from each result document
- trait CursorCompatAPI[T] extends AnyRef
Cursor over results from MongoDB.
Cursor over results from MongoDB.
- T
the type parsed from each result document
- trait CursorFlattener[C[_] <: Cursor[_]] extends AnyRef
Flattening strategy for cursor.
Flattening strategy for cursor.
import scala.concurrent.Future import reactivemongo.api.{ Cursor, CursorFlattener, FlattenedCursor } trait FooCursor[T] extends Cursor[T] { def foo: String } implicit def fooFlattener = new CursorFlattener[FooCursor] { def flatten[T](future: Future[FooCursor[T]]): FooCursor[T] = new FlattenedCursor[T](future) with FooCursor[T] { def foo = "Flattened" } }
- trait CursorOps[T] extends AnyRef
Internal cursor operations.
- final class CursorOptions extends AnyVal
- trait CursorProducer[T] extends AnyRef
Allows to enrich a base cursor.
- sealed trait DB extends AnyRef
The reference to a MongoDB database, obtained from a reactivemongo.api.MongoConnection.
The reference to a MongoDB database, obtained from a reactivemongo.api.MongoConnection.
You should consider the provided reactivemongo.api.DefaultDB implementation.
import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext import reactivemongo.api.MongoConnection def foo(connection: MongoConnection)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext) = { val db = connection.database("plugin") val collection ="acoll")) }
- class DefaultDB extends DB with DBMetaCommands with GenericDB[Pack] with Product with Serializable
The default DB implementation, that mixes in the database traits.
The default DB implementation, that mixes in the database traits.
- Annotations
- @SerialVersionUID()
- class FailoverStrategy extends Product3[FiniteDuration, Int, (Int) => Double] with Serializable
A failover strategy for sending requests.
A failover strategy for sending requests. The default uses 10 retries: 125ms, 250ms, 375ms, 500ms, 625ms, 750ms, 875ms, 1s, 1125ms, 1250ms
import scala.concurrent.duration._ reactivemongo.api.FailoverStrategy( initialDelay = 150.milliseconds, retries = 20, delayFactor = { `try` => `try` * 1.5D })
- class FlattenedCursor[T] extends Cursor[T] with FlattenedCursorCompat[T]
- class MongoConnection extends AnyRef
A pool of MongoDB connections, obtained from a reactivemongo.api.MongoDriver.
A pool of MongoDB connections, obtained from a reactivemongo.api.MongoDriver.
Connection here does not mean that there is one open channel to the server: behind the scene, many connections (channels) are open on all the available servers in the replica set.
import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext import reactivemongo.api._ def foo(driver: AsyncDriver)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext) = { val con = driver.connect(List("localhost")) val db = con.flatMap(_.database("plugin")) val collection ="acoll")) }
- class MongoConnectionOptions extends Product with Serializable
Options for MongoConnection (see more documentation).
- trait QueryOps extends AnyRef
Operations about query.
- sealed trait ReadConcern extends AnyRef
The Read Concern allows to control the consistency and isolation used to read data from replica sets.
The Read Concern allows to control the consistency and isolation used to read data from replica sets.
import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext import reactivemongo.api.ReadConcern import reactivemongo.api.bson.BSONDocument import reactivemongo.api.bson.collection.BSONCollection def queryBuilderWithReadConcern(coll: BSONCollection) = coll.find(BSONDocument.empty). readConcern(ReadConcern.Available)
- sealed trait ReadPreference extends AnyRef
MongoDB read preference enables to read from primary or secondaries with a predefined strategy.
MongoDB read preference enables to read from primary or secondaries with a predefined strategy.
import reactivemongo.api.ReadPreference val pref: ReadPreference = ReadPreference.primary
- trait SerializationPack extends SerializationPackCompat
- trait WrappedCursor[T] extends Cursor[T] with WrappedCursorCompat[T]
Cursor wrapper, to help to define custom cursor classes.
Cursor wrapper, to help to define custom cursor classes.
- See also
- trait WrappedCursorOps[T] extends CursorOps[T]
Internal cursor operations.
- sealed trait WriteConcern extends AnyRef
The write concern.
The write concern.
import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext import reactivemongo.api.{ DefaultDB, WriteConcern } import reactivemongo.api.bson.BSONDocument def foo(db: DefaultDB)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext) = db.collection("myColl"). insert(ordered = false, WriteConcern.Acknowledged). one(BSONDocument("foo" -> "bar"))
Deprecated Type Members
- trait CollectionMetaCommands extends AnyRef
A mixin that provides commands about this Collection itself.
A mixin that provides commands about this Collection itself.
- Annotations
- @deprecated
- Deprecated
(Since version 0.19.8) Internal: will be made private
- trait DBMetaCommands extends AnyRef
A mixin that provides commands about this database itself.
A mixin that provides commands about this database itself.
- Annotations
- @deprecated
- Deprecated
(Since version 0.19.8) Internal: will be made private
- class Failover[T] extends AnyRef
A helper that sends the given message to the given actor, following a failover strategy.
A helper that sends the given message to the given actor, following a failover strategy. This helper holds a future reference that is completed with a response, after 1 or more attempts (specified in the given strategy). If the all the tryouts configured by the given strategy were unsuccessful, the future reference is completed with a Throwable.
Should not be used directly for most use cases.
- T
Type of the message to send.
- Annotations
- @deprecated
- Deprecated
(Since version 0.17.0) Unused, will be removed
- class MongoDriver extends Driver
- Annotations
- @deprecated
- Deprecated
(Since version 0.19.4) Use
- case class QueryOpts(skipN: Int = 0, batchSizeN: Int = 0, flagsN: Int = 0) extends QueryOps with Product with Serializable
A helper to make the query options.
A helper to make the query options. You may use the methods to set the fields of this class, or set them directly.
- skipN
the number of documents to skip.
- batchSizeN
the upper limit on the number of documents to retrieve per batch (0 for unspecified)
- flagsN
the query flags
- Annotations
- @deprecated
- Deprecated
(Since version 0.19.8) Internal: will be made private
- type SerializationPackObject = SerializationPack with Singleton
- Annotations
- @deprecated
- Deprecated
(Since version 0.17.0) Unused, will be removed
Value Members
- object AsyncDriver
The driver factory
- object ChangeStreams
Change stream utilities.
Change stream utilities.
import scala.concurrent.{ ExecutionContext, Future } import reactivemongo.api.ChangeStreams.FullDocumentStrategy import reactivemongo.api.bson.BSONDocument import reactivemongo.api.bson.collection.BSONCollection def peekNext( coll: BSONCollection, strategy: FullDocumentStrategy)( implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[Option[BSONDocument]] =[BSONDocument](fullDocumentStrategy = Some(strategy)). cursor.headOption def doIt(coll: BSONCollection)( implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[Unit] = for { _ <- peekNext(coll, FullDocumentStrategy.Default) _ <- peekNext(coll, FullDocumentStrategy.UpdateLookup) } yield ()
- object Collation
Collation utilities.
- object Cursor
Cursor companion object
- object CursorFlattener
Flatteners helper
- object CursorOps
- object CursorOptions
- object CursorProducer
- object FailoverStrategy extends Serializable
FailoverStrategy utilities
- object MongoConnection
- object MongoConnectionOptions extends Serializable
MongoConnectionOptions factory.
MongoConnectionOptions factory.
reactivemongo.api.MongoConnectionOptions(nbChannelsPerNode = 10)
- object ReadConcern
- object ReadPreference
ReadPreference utilities and factories.
- object ScramSha1Authentication extends AuthenticationMode with ScramAuthentication with Product with Serializable
SCRAM-SHA-1 authentication (since MongoDB 3.6)
- object ScramSha256Authentication extends AuthenticationMode with ScramAuthentication with Product with Serializable
SCRAM-SHA-256 authentication (see MongoDB 4.0)
- object SerializationPack
- object Version
- object WriteConcern
WriteConcern utilities.
- object X509Authentication extends AuthenticationMode with Product with Serializable
X509 authentication
Deprecated Value Members
- implicit final def toDocument(doc: BSONDocument): BSONDocument
- Annotations
- @deprecated
- Deprecated
(Since version 0.19.0) Use reactivemongo-bson-api
- implicit final def toDocumentHandler[T](implicit h: BSONDocumentHandler[T]): BSONDocumentHandler[T]
- Annotations
- @deprecated
- Deprecated
(Since version 0.19.0) Use reactivemongo-bson-api or use reactivemongo-bson-compat: import reactivemongo.api.bson.compat._
- implicit final def toDocumentReader[T](implicit h: BSONDocumentReader[T]): BSONDocumentReader[T]
- Definition Classes
- LowPriorityPackage
- Annotations
- @deprecated
- Deprecated
(Since version 0.19.0) Use reactivemongo-bson-api or use reactivemongo-bson-compat: import reactivemongo.api.bson.compat._
- implicit final def toDocumentWriter[T](implicit h: BSONDocumentWriter[T]): BSONDocumentWriter[T]
- Definition Classes
- LowPriorityPackage
- Annotations
- @deprecated
- Deprecated
(Since version 0.19.0) Use reactivemongo-bson-api or use reactivemongo-bson-compat: import reactivemongo.api.bson.compat._
- object BSONSerializationPack extends SerializationPack with BSONSerializationPackCompat
The default serialization pack.
The default serialization pack.
- Annotations
- @deprecated
- Deprecated
(Since version 0.19.0) Will be replaced by
- object CrAuthentication extends AuthenticationMode with Product with Serializable
MongoDB-CR authentication
MongoDB-CR authentication
- Annotations
- @deprecated
- Deprecated
(Since version 0.19.4) Use SCRAM or X509
- object DB
- Annotations
- @deprecated
- Deprecated
(Since version 0.16.0) Will be removed
- object DefaultCursor
- Annotations
- @deprecated
- Deprecated
(Since version 0.16.0) Internal: will be made private
- object DefaultDB extends AbstractFunction3[String, MongoConnection, FailoverStrategy, DefaultDB] with Serializable
- Annotations
- @deprecated
- Deprecated
(Since version 0.16.0) Use DefaultDB class
- object Driver
The driver factory
The driver factory
- Annotations
- @deprecated
- Deprecated
(Since version 0.19.4) Internal: will be made private
- object Failover2
- Annotations
- @deprecated
- Deprecated
(Since version 0.17.0) Internal: will be made private
- object MongoDriver
The driver factory
The driver factory
- Annotations
- @deprecated
- Deprecated
(Since version 0.19.4) Use