Reactive Scala Driver for MongoDB
Asynchronous & Non-Blocking
Release details
This is the release details for ReactiveMongo 1.1.0-RC15.
The documentation is available online, and its code samples are compiled to make sure it’s up-to-date.
Slides for these release notes are available.
What’s new?
- Compatibility
- Migration
- Connection
- Support x.509 certificate to authenticate.
- Support DNS seedlist in the connection URI.
- New
setting. - Add
in theMongoConnectionOptions
- Support Netty native
- BSON library
- Query and write operations
- Play
- Aggregation
parameter when using.aggregatorContext
- New stages
- Change stream
- GridFS
- Monitoring
- Administration
- Breaking changes
This release is compatible with the following runtime.
MongoDB from 3.6 up to 8.0.
- Scala from 2.11 to 3.4.
- Akka from 2.3.13 up to 2.6.5 (see Setup)
- Play Framework from 2.3.13 to 3.0.
MongoDB versions older than 3.0 are not longer (end of life 2018-2).
Recommended configuration:
The driver core and the modules are tested in a container based environment, with the specifications as bellow.
- 2 cores (64 bits)
- 4 GB of system memory, with a maximum of 2 GB for the JVM
This can be considered as a recommended environment.
A Scalafix module is available to migrate from ReactiveMongo 0.12+ to 1.0.
To apply the migration rules, first setup Scalafix in the SBT build, then configure the ReactiveMongo rules as bellow.
scalafixDependencies in ThisBuild ++= Seq(
"org.reactivemongo" %% "reactivemongo-scalafix" % "1.1.0-RC15")
Once the rules are configured, they can be applied from SBT.
scalafix ReactiveMongoUpgrade
scalafix ReactiveMongoLinter --check
Then upgrade the appropriate libraryDependencies
in the SBT build, and re-recompile it.
sbt clean compile
Finally, apply manually the remaining fixes due to the breaking changes.
Suggest an improvement to these rules
The MongoDriver
type is replaced by AsyncDriver
, with asynchronous methods.
replaced byAsyncDriver.connect
is asynchronous.
The utility function MongoConnection.parseURI
is replaced by asynchronous function .fromString
Also, the following options are deprecated:
replaced byauthenticationDatabase
(as the MongoShell option)authMode
replaced byauthenticationMechanism
(as the MongoShell option)sslEnabled
replaced byssl
(as the MongoShell option)rm.monitorRefreshMS
replaced byheartbeatFrequencyMS
The optionrm.monitorRefreshMS
is renamedheartbeatFrequencyMS
for the interval (in milliseconds) used to refresh the node set (default: 10s).
SNI is now supported for the SSL connection.
The x.509 certificate authentication is now supported, and can be configured by setting x509
as authenticationMechanism
, and with the following new options.
: An URI to a key store (e.g.file:///path/to/keystore.p12
: Provides the password to load it (if required)keyStoreType
: Indicates the type of the store
import reactivemongo.api._
def connection(driver: AsyncDriver) = driver.connect(
+ "&authenticationMechanism=x509"
+ "&keyStore=file:///path/to/keystore.p12"
+ "&keyStoreType=PKCS12")
The DNS seedlist is now supported, using mongodb+srv://
scheme in the connection URI.
It’s also possible to specify the credential directly in the URI.
import reactivemongo.api._
def seedListCon(driver: AsyncDriver) = driver.connect(
Netty native
The internal Netty dependency has been updated to the version 4.1.
It comes with various improvements (memory consumption, …), and also to use Netty native support (kqueue for MacOS X and epoll for Linux, on x86_64
Note: The Netty dependency is shaded so it won’t conflict with any Netty version in your environment.
BSON library
The Biːsən is the new default BSON library, that fixes some issues (OOM), and brings multiple API and performance improvements (simpler & better).
Documents and values
The API for BSONDocument
has been slightly updated, with the function getAs
renamed as getAsOpt
(to be consistent with getAsTry
New getOrElse
function is also added.
import reactivemongo.api.bson._
def withFallback(doc: BSONDocument): String = {
doc.getOrElse[String]("NAME", "defaultValue")
// Equivalent to:
// doc.getAsOpt[String]("NAME").getOrElse("defaultValue")
New field utilities are provided for the most common types:
import reactivemongo.api.bson._
def foo(doc: BSONDocument): Unit = {
val i: Option[Int] ="fieldNameInt")
val d: Option[Double] = doc.double("fieldNameDouble")
val l: Option[Long] = doc.long("fieldNameLong")
val s: Option[String] = doc.string("fieldNameStr")
val a: Option[Seq[BSONValue]] = doc.array("fieldNameArr")
val b: Option[Boolean] = doc.booleanLike("fieldNameBool")
val c: Option[BSONDocument] = doc.child("nestedDoc")
val _: List[BSONDocument] = doc.children("arrayOfDocs")
The Biːsən library supports BSON Decimal128 (MongoDB 3.4+).
Note: The
factories have been optimized and support more use cases.
Source: BSONDocumentBenchmark, BSONDocumentHandlerBenchmark
Source: BSONArrayBenchmark
Reader and writer typeclasses
The names of these typeclasses are unchanged (BSONReader
and BSONWriter
), except the package that is reactivemongo.api.bson
(instead of reactivemongo.bson
In the previous BSON library, BSONReader
and BSONWriter
are defined with two type parameters:
BSONReader[B <: BSONValue, T]
BSONWriter[T, B <: BSONValue]
being the type of BSON value to be read/written,- and
being the Scala type to be handled.
The new API has been simplified, with only the T
type parameter kept.
import reactivemongo.api.bson._
// Read a String from BSON,
// whatever is the specific BSON value type
def stringReader: BSONReader[String] = ???
Not only it makes the API simpler, but it also allows to read different BSON types as a target Scala type(before it only supported for numeric/boolean, using the dedicated typeclasses).
For example, the Scala numeric types (BigDecimal
, Double
, Float
, Int
, Long
) can be directly read from any consistent BSON numeric type (e.g. 1.0
as integer 1
), without having to use BSONNumberLike
import reactivemongo.api.bson._
// => Success(1)
Also, handler functions readTry
and writeTry
returns Try
, for a safer representation of possible failures.
The new API is also safer, replacing
and BSONWriter.write
respectively with BSONReader.readTry
and BSONWriter.writeTry
, so that serialization errors can be handle at typelevel.
In a similar way, BSONObjectID.parse
now returns Try
, and
is replaced by asOpt
and asTry
Like the current BSON library, some specific typeclasses are available (with same names) to only work with BSON documents: BSONDocumentReader
and BSONDocumentWriter
Some new handlers are provided by default, like those for Java Time types.
Note: The handler for
is replaced the handler forjava.time.Instant
The error handling has also been improved, with more details.
in the previous API is replaced withBSONValueNotFoundException
in the new one.
Source: BSON reader benchmarks
A handler is now available to write and read Scala Map
as BSON, provided the value types are supported.
import scala.util.Try
import reactivemongo.api.bson._
def bsonMap = {
val input: Map[String, Int] = Map("a" -> 1, "b" -> 2)
// Ok as key and value (String, Int) are provided BSON handlers
val doc: Try[BSONDocument] = BSON.writeDocument(input)
val output = doc.flatMap { BSON.readDocument[Map[String, Int]](_) }
You can to serialize a Map
whose key type is not String
, using the new typeclasses KeyWriter
and KeyReader
import scala.util.Try
import reactivemongo.api.bson._
final class FooKey(val value: String)
object FooKey {
val bar = new FooKey("bar")
val lorem = new FooKey("lorem")
implicit val kw: KeyWriter[FooKey] = KeyWriter[FooKey](_.value)
implicit val kr: KeyReader[FooKey] = KeyReader[FooKey] { new FooKey(_) }
def bsonMapCustomKey = {
val input: Map[FooKey, Int] = Map( -> 1, FooKey.lorem -> 2)
// Ok as key and value (String, Int) are provided handlers
val doc: Try[BSONDocument] = BSON.writeDocument(input)
val output = doc.flatMap { BSON.readDocument[Map[FooKey, Int]](_) }
New factories to handle BSON array are provided.
Considering the Element
type as below:
import reactivemongo.api.bson.Macros
case class Element(str: String, v: Int)
val elementHandler = Macros.handler[Element]
The { BSONReader, BSONWriter }.sequence
factories can be used to represent sequence of Element
in BSON.
import reactivemongo.api.bson.BSONWriter
val seqWriter: BSONWriter[Seq[Element]] =
BSONWriter.sequence[Element](elementHandler writeTry _)
// ---
seqWriter.writeTry(Seq(Element("foo", 1), Element("bar", 2)))
// Success: [ { 'str': 'foo', 'v': 1 }, { 'str': 'bar', 'v': 2 } ]
The { BSONReader, BSONWriter }.iterable
factories can also be used (for example to work with Set
import reactivemongo.api.bson.{ BSONArray, BSONDocument, BSONReader }
val setReader: BSONReader[Set[Element]] =
BSONReader.iterable[Element, Set](elementHandler readTry _)
// ---
val itFixture2 = BSONArray(
BSONDocument("str" -> "foo", "v" -> 1),
BSONDocument("str" -> "bar", "v" -> 2))
// Success: Set(Element("foo", 1), Element("bar", 2))
Tuple factories
New factories to create handler for tuple types (up to 5-arity) are provided.
If an array is the wanted BSON representation:
import reactivemongo.api.bson.{ BSONArray, BSONReader, BSONWriter }
val readerArrAsStrInt = BSONReader.tuple2[String, Int]
val writerStrIntToArr = BSONWriter.tuple2[String, Int]
val arr = BSONArray("Foo", 20)
readerArrAsStrInt.readTry(arr) // => Success(("Foo", 20))
writerStrIntToArr.writeTry("Foo" -> 20)
// => Success: arr = ['Foo', 20]
If a document representation is wanted:
import reactivemongo.api.bson.{
BSONDocument, BSONDocumentReader, BSONDocumentWriter
val writerStrIntToDoc =
BSONDocumentWriter.tuple2[String, Int]("name", "age")
writerStrIntToDoc.writeTry("Foo" -> 20)
// => Success: {'name': 'Foo', 'age': 20}
val readerDocAsStrInt =
BSONDocumentReader.tuple2[String, Int]("name", "age")
readerDocAsStrInt.readTry(BSONDocument("name" -> "Foo", "age" -> 20))
// => Success(("Foo", 20))
Partial function
There are new factories based on partial functions: collect
and collectFrom
BSON reader:
import reactivemongo.api.bson.{ BSONReader, BSONInteger }
val intToStrCodeReader = BSONReader.collect[String] {
case BSONInteger(0) => "zero"
case BSONInteger(1) => "one"
intToStrCodeReader.readTry(BSONInteger(0)) // Success("zero")
// => Failure(ValueDoesNotMatchException(..))
BSON writer:
import reactivemongo.api.bson.{ BSONWriter, BSONInteger }
val strCodeToIntWriter = BSONWriter.collect[String] {
case "zero" => BSONInteger(0)
case "one" => BSONInteger(1)
strCodeToIntWriter.writeTry("zero") // Success(BSONInteger(0))
// => Failure(IllegalArgumentException(..))
BSON document writer:
import reactivemongo.api.bson.{ BSONDocument, BSONDocumentWriter }
case class Bar(value: String)
val writer2 = BSONDocumentWriter.collectFrom[Bar] {
case Bar(value) if value.nonEmpty =>
scala.util.Success(BSONDocument("value" -> value))
The new library also provides similar macros, to materialized document readers and writers for case classes and sealed traits.
case class Person(name: String, age: Int)
import reactivemongo.api.bson._
val personHandler: BSONDocumentHandler[Person] =
// Or only ...
val personReader: BSONDocumentReader[Person] =
val personWriter: BSONDocumentWriter[Person] =
There is a new configuration mechanism, to specify a field naming and customize the name of each BSON field corresponding to Scala.
import reactivemongo.api.bson._
val withPascalCase: BSONDocumentHandler[Person] = {
implicit def cfg: MacroConfiguration = MacroConfiguration(
fieldNaming = FieldNaming.PascalCase)
withPascalCase.writeTry(Person(name = "Jane", age = 32))
// Success { "Name": "Jane", "Age": 32) }
With sealed family/trait, it’s also possible to configure the discriminator field and discriminator values according Scala types.
import reactivemongo.api.bson._
sealed trait Family1
case class Foo1(bar: String) extends Family1
case class Lorem1(ipsum: Int) extends Family1
implicit val foo1Handler = Macros.handler[Foo1]
implicit val lorem1Handler = Macros.handler[Lorem1]
val family1Handler: BSONDocumentHandler[Family1] = {
implicit val cfg: MacroConfiguration = MacroConfiguration(
discriminator = "_type",
typeNaming = TypeNaming.SimpleName.andThen(_.toLowerCase))
The nested type Macros.Options
is replaced by similar type MacrosOptions
Note: The
of the previous BSON library has been removed in favour of a configuration factory using similarTypeNaming
The compile-time option AutomaticMaterialization
has been added, when using the macros with sealed family, to indicate when you want to automatically materialize instances for the subtypes (if missing from the implicit scope).
sealed trait Color
case object Red extends Color
case object Blue extends Color
case class Green(brightness: Int) extends Color
case class CustomColor(code: String) extends Color
object Color {
import reactivemongo.api.bson.{ Macros, MacroOptions },
MacroOptions.{ AutomaticMaterialization, UnionType, \/ }
// Use `UnionType` to define a subset of the `Color` type,
type PredefinedColor =
UnionType[Red.type \/ Green \/ Blue.type]
with AutomaticMaterialization
val predefinedColor = Macros.handlerOpts[Color, PredefinedColor]
Using the new option ReadDefaultValues
, the default values can be used by readers when there is no BSON value.
import reactivemongo.api.bson.{
BSONDocument, BSONDocumentReader, Macros, MacroOptions
case class FooWithDefault1(id: Int, title: String = "default")
val reader: BSONDocumentReader[FooWithDefault1] =
reader.readTry(BSONDocument("id" -> 1)) // missing BSON title
// => Success: FooWithDefault1(id = 1, title = "default")
Note: A new option
allows to specifically exclude macro warnings.
New macros for Value classes are new available.
package object relexamples {
import reactivemongo.api.bson.{
BSONHandler, BSONReader, BSONWriter, Macros
final class FooVal(val value: String) extends AnyVal
val vh: BSONHandler[FooVal] = Macros.valueHandler[FooVal]
val vr: BSONReader[FooVal] = Macros.valueReader[FooVal]
val vw: BSONWriter[FooVal] = Macros.valueWriter[FooVal]
The way Option
is handled by the macros has been improved, also with a new annotation @NoneAsNull
, which write None
values as BSONNull
(instead of omitting field/value).
import reactivemongo.api.bson.BSONDocument
import reactivemongo.api.bson.Macros, Macros.Annotations.NoneAsNull
case class WithNull(
name: String,
@NoneAsNull score: Option[Int])
Macros.writer[WithNull].writeTry(WithNull("foo", None))
// Serialized with null: {'name': 'foo', 'score': null}
// Rather than: {'name': 'foo'}
Also, a new annotation @Flatten
has been added, to indicate to the macros that the representation of a property must be flatten rather than a nested document.
import reactivemongo.api.bson.BSONDocument
import reactivemongo.api.bson.Macros.Annotations.Flatten
case class Range(start: Int, end: Int)
case class LabelledRange(
name: String,
@Flatten range: Range)
// Flattened with macro as bellow:
BSONDocument("name" -> "foo", "start" -> 0, "end" -> 1)
// Rather than:
// BSONDocument("name" -> "foo", "range" -> BSONDocument(
// "start" -> 0, "end" -> 1))
The new @DefaultValue
can be used with ReadDefaultValues
to specify a default value only used when reading from BSON.
import reactivemongo.api.bson.{
BSONDocument, BSONDocumentReader, Macros, MacroOptions
import Macros.Annotations.DefaultValue
case class FooWithDefault2(
id: Int,
@DefaultValue("default") title: String)
val reader: BSONDocumentReader[FooWithDefault2] =
reader.readTry(BSONDocument("id" -> 1)) // missing BSON title
// => Success: FooWithDefault2(id = 1, title = "default")
The new @Reader
allows to indicate a BSON reader to be used for a property, not using the implicit scope.
import reactivemongo.api.bson.{ BSONDocument, BSONReader }
import reactivemongo.api.bson.Macros, Macros.Annotations.Reader
val scoreReader: BSONReader[Double] = BSONReader.collect[Double] {
case reactivemongo.api.bson.BSONString(v) => v.toDouble
case reactivemongo.api.bson.BSONDouble(b) => b
case class CustomFoo1(
title: String,
@Reader(scoreReader) score: Double)
"title" -> "Bar",
"score" -> "1.23" // accepted by annotated scoreReader
// Success: CustomFoo1(title = "Bar", score = 1.23D)
Also the new @Writer
specifies the BSON writer to be used for a property, instead of the implicit scope.
import reactivemongo.api.bson.{ BSONString, BSONWriter }
import reactivemongo.api.bson.Macros,
val scoreWriter: BSONWriter[Double] = BSONWriter[Double] { d =>
BSONString(d.toString) // write double as string
case class CustomFoo2(
title: String,
@Writer(scoreWriter) score: Double)
val writer = Macros.writer[CustomFoo2]
writer.writeTry(CustomFoo2(title = "Bar", score = 1.23D))
// Success: BSONDocument("title" -> "Bar", "score" -> "1.23")
Extra libraries
Some extra libraries are provided along the new BSON one, to improve the integration.
A new GeoJSON library is provided, with the geometry types and the corresponding handlers to read from and write them to appropriate BSON representation.
It can be configured in the build.sbt
as below.
libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
"org.reactivemongo" %% "reactivemongo-bson-geo" % "1.1.0-RC15")
See Scaladoc
The library that provides Monocle based optics, for BSON values.
It can be configured in the build.sbt
as below.
libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
"org.reactivemongo" %% "reactivemongo-bson-monocle" % "1.1.0-RC15")
See Scaladoc
The Specs2 library provides utilities to write tests using specs2 with BSON values.
It can be configured in the build.sbt
as below.
libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
"org.reactivemongo" %% "reactivemongo-bson-specs2" % "1.1.0-RC15")
See Scaladoc
Query and write operations
The query builder supports more options (see find
; Optional. Determines whether to close the cursor after the first batch. Defaults tofalse
; Optional. Maximum number of documents or index keys to scan when executing the query.max
; Optional. The exclusive upper bound for a specific index.min
; Optional. The exclusive upper bound for a specific index.returnKey
; Optional. If true, returns only the index keys in the resulting documents.showRecordId
; Optional. Determines whether to return the record identifier for each document.collation
; Optional; Specifies the collation to use for the operation (since 3.4).
The collection API provides new builders for write operations. This supports bulk operations (e.g. insert many documents at once).
The new insert
operation is providing an InsertBuilder
It supports simple insert with .one
import scala.concurrent.Future
import reactivemongo.api.commands.WriteResult
import reactivemongo.api.bson.BSONDocument
import reactivemongo.api.bson.collection.BSONCollection
val document1 = BSONDocument(
"firstName" -> "Stephane",
"lastName" -> "Godbillon",
"age" -> 29)
// Simple:
def simpleInsert(coll: BSONCollection): Future[WriteResult] =
Bulk insert is supported by .many
import scala.concurrent.Future
import reactivemongo.api.bson.BSONDocument
import reactivemongo.api.bson.collection.BSONCollection
// Bulk: .insert.many(Seq(t1, t2, ..., tN))
def bulkInsert(
coll: BSONCollection): Future[coll.MultiBulkWriteResult] =
coll.insert(ordered = false).many(Seq(
document1, BSONDocument(
"firstName" -> "Foo",
"lastName" -> "Bar",
"age" -> 1)))
The new update
operation returns an UpdateBuilder
. It supports simple update.
import reactivemongo.api.bson.BSONDocument
import reactivemongo.api.bson.collection.BSONCollection
def simpleUpdate(personColl: BSONCollection) = {
val selector = BSONDocument("name" -> "Jack")
val modifier = BSONDocument(
"$set" -> BSONDocument(
"lastName" -> "London",
"firstName" -> "Jack"),
"$unset" -> BSONDocument("name" -> 1))
q = selector, u = modifier,
upsert = false, multi = false)
It also allows to perform bulk update using the .many
import scala.concurrent.Future
import reactivemongo.api.bson.document
import reactivemongo.api.bson.collection.BSONCollection
def bulkUpdate(personColl: BSONCollection) = {
val updateBuilder1 = personColl.update(ordered = true)
val updates = Future.sequence(Seq(
q = document("firstName" -> "Jane", "lastName" -> "Doh"),
u = document("age" -> 18),
upsert = true, multi = false),
q = document("firstName" -> "Bob"),
u = document("age" -> 19),
upsert = false, multi = true)))
updates.flatMap { updateBuilder1.many(_) }
The .delete
function returns a DeleteBuilder
It supports simple deletion.
operation is now deprecated.
import reactivemongo.api.bson.BSONDocument
import reactivemongo.api.bson.collection.BSONCollection
def simpleDelete1(personColl: BSONCollection) ="firstName" -> "Stephane"))
Bulk deletion is supported with the .many
import scala.concurrent.Future
import reactivemongo.api.bson.BSONDocument
import reactivemongo.api.bson.collection.BSONCollection
def bulkDelete1(personColl: BSONCollection) = {
val deleteBuilder = personColl.delete(ordered = false)
val deletes = Future.sequence(Seq(
q = BSONDocument("firstName" -> "Stephane"),
limit = Some(1), // former option firstMatch
collation = None),
q = BSONDocument("lastName" -> "Doh"),
limit = None, // delete all the matching document
collation = None)))
deletes.flatMap { ops => deleteBuilder.many(ops) }
The arrayFilters
criteria is supported by the findAndModify
import reactivemongo.api.WriteConcern
import reactivemongo.api.bson.BSONDocument
import reactivemongo.api.bson.collection.BSONCollection
def findAndUpdateArrayFilters(personColl: BSONCollection) =
selector = BSONDocument.empty,
modifier = personColl.updateModifier(
update = BSONDocument(f"$$set" -> BSONDocument(
f"grades.$$[element]" -> 100))),
sort = None, fields = None,
bypassDocumentValidation = false,
writeConcern = WriteConcern.Journaled,
maxTime = None, collation = None,
arrayFilters = Seq(BSONDocument(
"elem.grade" -> BSONDocument(f"$$gte" -> 85))))
is also supported on update.
import reactivemongo.api.bson.BSONDocument
import reactivemongo.api.bson.collection.BSONCollection
def updateArrayFilters(personColl: BSONCollection) =
q = BSONDocument(
"grades" -> BSONDocument(f"$$gte" -> 100)),
u = BSONDocument(f"$$set" -> BSONDocument(
f"grades.$$[element]" -> 100)),
upsert = false,
multi = true,
collation = None,
arrayFilters = Seq(BSONDocument(
"element" -> BSONDocument(f"$$gte" -> 100))))
The .count
operation now returns a Long
value (rather than Int
import scala.concurrent.Future
import reactivemongo.api.bson.collection.BSONCollection
def countPerson(personColl: BSONCollection): Future[Long] =
personColl.count(None/* all */)
A new utility is provided to extract exception details from an erroneous result.
import reactivemongo.api.commands.WriteResult
def printExceptionIfFailed(res: WriteResult) = res match {
case WriteResult.Exception(cause) =>
case _ =>
Reminder: There is no need to check failure inside a
as soon as theFuture
is successful.
More: Find documents, Write documents
Play integration has been upgraded, to support versions up to 2.8 and be compatible with the new BSON library.
The JSONCollection
and JSONSerializationPack
(from package
) have been removed, and JSON compatibility can be applied using standard collection and JSON conversions.
has also been removed.
JSON compatibility
The JSON/BSON compatibility has been refactored. The main import is:
Considering the following User
package object jsonexamples1 {
import reactivemongo.api.bson._
case class User(
_id: BSONObjectID, // Rather use UUID or String
username: String,
role: String,
created: BSONTimestamp, // Rather use Instant
lastModified: BSONDateTime,
sym: Option[BSONSymbol]) // Rather use String
object User {
implicit val bsonWriter: BSONDocumentWriter[User] =
implicit val bsonReader: BSONDocumentReader[User] =
Then specific imports are available to enable conversions, according the use cases.
// Conversions from BSON to JSON extended syntax
import bson2json._
// Override conversions with lax syntax
import lax._
// Conversions from JSON to BSON
import json2bson._
Convert BSON to JSON extended syntax
import _root_.reactivemongo.api.bson._
// Global compatibility import:
// Import BSON to JSON extended syntax (default)
import bson2json._ // Required import
import jsonexamples1.User
val userJs = Json.toJson(User(
BSONObjectID.generate(), "lorem", "ipsum",
created = BSONTimestamp(987654321L),
lastModified = BSONDateTime(123456789L),
sym = Some(BSONSymbol("foo"))))
JSON output: (userJs
"_id": {"$oid":"..."},
"username": "lorem",
"role": "ipsum",
"created": {
"$timestamp": {"t":0,"i":987654321}
"lastModified": {
"$date": {"$numberLong":"123456789"}
"sym": {
Convert BSON to JSON lax syntax
import _root_.reactivemongo.api.bson._
// Global compatibility import:
// Import BSON to JSON extended syntax (default)
import bson2json._ // Required import
// Import lax overrides
import lax._
import jsonexamples1.User
// Overrides BSONWriters for OID/Timestamp/DateTime
// so that the BSON representation matches the JSON lax one
implicit val bsonWriter: BSONDocumentWriter[User] =
// Resolved from bsonWriter
val laxJsonWriter: OWrites[User] = implicitly[OWrites[User]]
import _root_.reactivemongo.api.bson._
import jsonexamples1.User
val laxUserJs = laxJsonWriter.writes(User(
BSONObjectID.generate(), "lorem", "ipsum",
created = BSONTimestamp(987654321L),
lastModified = BSONDateTime(123456789L),
sym = Some(BSONSymbol("foo"))))
JSON output: (userLaxJs
"_id": "...",
"username": "lorem",
"role": "ipsum",
"created": 987654321,
"lastModified": 123456789,
"sym": "foo"
Convert JSON to BSON
Considering the Street
package object jsonexamples2 {
case class Street(
number: Option[Int],
name: String)
The BSON representation can be derived from the JSON.
import _root_.reactivemongo.api.bson._
// Global compatibility import:
// Import JSON to BSON conversions
import json2bson._ // Required import
import jsonexamples2.Street
implicit val jsonFormat: OFormat[Street] =
// Resolved from jsonFormat
val bsonStreetWriter =
Street(Some(1), "rue de la lune"))
// Success: {'number':1, 'name':'rue de la lune'}
Value converters
Using the provided value conversions, a JSON object can be passed wherever a BSON document is expected.
import reactivemongo.api.bson.BSONDocument
def expectDoc(document: BSONDocument) =
println(s"doc = ${BSONDocument pretty document}")
// ---
import _root_.reactivemongo.api.bson._
// Global compatibility import:
// Import JSON to BSON conversions
import json2bson._ // Required import
expectDoc(document = Json.obj("age" -> Json.obj(f"$$gt" -> 1)))
// doc = { 'age': { '$gt': 1 } }
The Aggregation Framework supports more stages.
An aggregation pipeline is now a list of stage operator(s), possibly empty.
The $addFields
stage can now be used.
import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext
import reactivemongo.api.bson._
import reactivemongo.api.bson.collection.BSONCollection
def sumHomeworkQuizz(students: BSONCollection) =
students.aggregateWith[BSONDocument]() { framework =>
import framework.AddFields
"totalHomework" -> document(f"$$sum" -> f"$$homework"),
"totalQuiz" -> document(f"$$sum" -> f"$$quiz"))),
"totalScore" -> document(f"$$add" -> array(
f"$$totalHomework", f"$$totalQuiz", f"$$extraCredit")))))
The $bucketAuto
stage introduced by MongoDB 3.4 can be used as bellow.
import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext
import reactivemongo.api.bson._
import reactivemongo.api.bson.collection.BSONCollection
def populationBuckets(zipcodes: BSONCollection)(
implicit ec: ExecutionContext) =
zipcodes.aggregateWith[BSONDocument]() { framework =>
import framework.BucketAuto
BSONString(f"$$population"), 2, None)())
The $count
stage counts the aggregated documents.
import scala.concurrent.Future
import reactivemongo.api.bson._
import reactivemongo.api.bson.collection.BSONCollection
def countPopulatedStates1(col: BSONCollection): Future[Int] = {
implicit val countReader = BSONDocumentReader.from[Int] { doc =>
col.aggregateWith[Int]() { framework =>
import framework.{ Count, Group, Match, SumField }
"totalPop" -> SumField("population")) +: List(
"totalPop" -> BSONDocument(f"$$gte" -> 10000000L))),
The $facet
stage create multi-faceted aggregations, which characterize data across multiple dimensions (or facets).
import reactivemongo.api.bson.collection.BSONCollection
def useFacetAgg(coll: BSONCollection) = {
import coll.AggregationFramework.{
Count, Facet, Out, UnwindField
"foo" -> List(UnwindField("bar"), Count("c")),
"lorem" -> List(Out("ipsum"))))
/* {
$facet: {
'foo': [
{ '$unwind': '$bar' },
{ '$count': 'c' }
'lorem': [ { '$out': 'ipsum' } ]
} */
The $filter
stage is now supported.
import reactivemongo.api.bson.{ BSONArray, BSONDocument, BSONString }
import reactivemongo.api.bson.collection.BSONCollection
def salesWithItemGreaterThanHundered(sales: BSONCollection) =
sales.aggregateWith[BSONDocument]() { framework =>
import framework._
val sort = Sort(Ascending("_id"))
Project(BSONDocument("items" -> Filter(
input = BSONString(f"$$items"),
as = "item",
cond = BSONDocument(f"$$gte" -> BSONArray(
f"$$$$item.price", 100))))) +: List(sort)
The $replaceRoot
stage is now supported.
import scala.concurrent.Future
import reactivemongo.api.bson.BSONDocument
import reactivemongo.api.bson.collection.BSONCollection
/* For a fruits collection: {
"_id" : 1,
"fruit" : [ "apples", "oranges" ],
"in_stock" : { "oranges" : 20, "apples" : 60 },
"on_order" : { "oranges" : 35, "apples" : 75 }
}, ... */
def replaceRootTest(
fruits: BSONCollection): Future[Option[BSONDocument]] =
fruits.aggregateWith[BSONDocument]() { framework =>
import framework._
}.headOption // Result: { "oranges": 20, "apples": 60 }
In ReactiveMongo the Atlas Search feature can be applied through the aggregation framework.
import scala.concurrent.{ ExecutionContext, Future }
import reactivemongo.api.bson.BSONDocument
import reactivemongo.api.bson.collection.BSONCollection
def foo(col: BSONCollection)(
implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[List[BSONDocument]] = {
import col.AggregationFramework.AtlasSearch, AtlasSearch.Term
pipeline = List(AtlasSearch(Term(
path = "description",
query = "s*l*",
modifier = Some(Term.Wildcard) // wildcard: true
The $slice
operator is also supported as bellow.
import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext
import reactivemongo.api.bson._
import reactivemongo.api.bson.collection.BSONCollection
def sliceFavorites(coll: BSONCollection)(
implicit ec: ExecutionContext) =
coll.aggregateWith[BSONDocument]() { framework =>
import framework.{ Project, Slice }
"name" -> 1,
"favorites" -> Slice(
array = BSONString(f"$$favorites"),
n = BSONInteger(3)))))
Other stages are also supported.
Change stream
Since MongoDB 3.6, it’s possible to watch the changes applied on a collection.
Now ReactiveMongo can obtain a stream of changes, and aggregate it.
import reactivemongo.api.Cursor
import reactivemongo.api.bson.BSONDocument
import reactivemongo.api.bson.collection.BSONCollection
def filteredWatch(
coll: BSONCollection,
filter: BSONDocument): Cursor[BSONDocument] = {
import coll.AggregationFramework.{ Match, PipelineOperator }[BSONDocument](
pipeline = List[PipelineOperator](Match(filter))).
More: Aggregation Framework
The GridFS API has been refactored, to be simpler and more safe.
The DefaultFileToSave
has been moved to the factory fileToSave
Separate classes and traits DefaultReadFile
, ComputedMetadata
, BasicMetadata
and CustomMetadata
have been merged with the single class ReadFile
As the underlying files
and chunks
collections are no longer part of the public API, a new function update
is provided to update the file metadata.
Also note the DB.gridfs
import reactivemongo.api.bson.{ BSONDocument, BSONObjectID }
import reactivemongo.api.DB
def updateFile(db: DB, fileId: BSONObjectID) =
db.gridfs.update(fileId, BSONDocument(f"$$set" ->
BSONDocument("meta" -> "data")))
A new module is available to collect ReactiveMongo metrics with Kamon.
"org.reactivemongo" %% "reactivemongo-kamon" % "1.1.0-RC15"
Then dashboards can be configured, for example if using Kamon APM.
More: Monitoring
The operations to manage a MongoDB instance can be executed using ReactiveMongo. This new release has new functions for DB administration.
The DB
has now a ping
operation, to execute a ping command.
import scala.concurrent.Future
import reactivemongo.api.DB
def ping(admin: DB): Future[Boolean] =
Breaking changes
The Typesafe Migration Manager has been setup on the ReactiveMongo repository. It will validate all the future contributions, and help to make the API more stable.
For the current 1.1.0-RC15 release, it has detected the following breaking changes.
Operations and commands
packages after Netty 4.1.25 upgrade.